focus on the beauty around you
Same Day Appointments Available.
Third Party Billing for most of the Extended Health Providers.

Let us show the world your beautiful eyes.
Precision Optical will make sure you get quality service at a reasonable price. We pride ourselves on specialty lens fitting and utilize the latest techniques and technology during your prescription lens evaluation and fitting.

Third Party Billing
Professional & Friendly Staff
Same Day Appointments
Latest Trends & Fashions
Free Sight Testing
Contact Lens Training
Focus On The Beauty Around You
Latest Frames and Lenses
Here are some of the latest trends and frames available at Precision Optical.


Raymond Lanctot

Tura L.A.M.B.

FYSH Eyewear

O&X New York

Maui Jim Sunglasses

Kate Spade

Vera Wang

Essilor Experts
Contact Lenses

Johnson and Johnson


Bausch and Lomb


Your Sight Starts Here
Same Day Appointments are Available.
Or call — 604-892-5615

focus on the beauty around you
Same Day Appointments are Available.